Need help with volunteers?

Check out these resources.

Not Normal: When it comes to that certain something in volunteers, we're looking for something a little more extraordinary, something a step above. Something not normal. This resource offers ideas on ways you can make the most of being a volunteer.

Leading Not Normal Volunteers: Ideas on how to lead your volunteers in practical and unexpected ways, how to leverage their quirks, and how to equip them to become incredible volunteers. In this book, written especially for leaders, you'll find the tools you need to guide your volunteers each week!

The Volunteer Project: Stop Recruiting, Start Retaining: Formulated from the authors’ research, combined 50+ years of experience in leading volunteer teams, and the feedback of hundreds of volunteers, these 4 Strategies are designed to provide individuals with such satisfying volunteer experiences that they are motivated to continue volunteering, and even invite their friends to join them. Packed with comprehensive research, an online assessment tool for measuring volunteer satisfaction, and real-life stories, The Volunteer Project is designed to help you stop recruiting and start retaining.